Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sports: What I Love, What I Don't

The K-State Wildcats face our rival, KU!

Since my grad school days at a Division I school, I have become a fan of college sports. There’s nothing like the electric atmosphere of a football stadium on a crisp fall day; likewise, the energy and talent on a college basketball court pumps me up as well. I do watch the Superbowl and catch the NBA Finals and Wimbledon every June, but otherwise, it’s college sports for me.  Yet there are things I don’t like about the sportsworld. Here are the good and the bad, as I see it.
            First, I’ll talk about what I love.  I love watching outstanding athletes perform during the best years of their ability.  I admire it because although I can do other things well, I don’t share that talent!
I love the way that sports binds people together.  I like that I can walk into a sandwich shop and talk with the clerk about how he filled out his bracket during March Madness.  I like that I can call my dad on the phone in Indiana after seeing a great play on TV, and know that he just saw the same one, and we can share our enthusiasm.  I like the community and spirit that sports builds at a large university.  And I like the feeling of walking around Aggieville before a game and seeing everyone proudly wearing their purple.
I love the energy a good game generates. This happens both on the court and the field, as well as in the crowd.  It’s a great emotional release, and allows everybody to forget the stresses of everyday life and put their focus on something fun.
            I love learning about the game.  Although I’m still an amateur spectator, as I learn to appreciate the different strategies involved in coaching, teamwork and plays, it becomes all that more interesting to me.
            Now for what I don’t like.  I don’t like that sports are driven by money, unfortunately, even in the college world. Especially in the college world, because ultimately schools are supposed to be about academics, right?  I don’t like all the scandals that go on, and that some athletes really don’t give a rip about their classes – they just want to play.  I don’t like the sense of entitlement that some of them project, thinking they’re special.  While I know that fancy stadiums are the result of private donations and not school funds, it really bugs me that our buildings on campus too often don’t match the quality or luxury of the sports facilities.
            I don’t like when people take sports too seriously. Many make it their religion, because that’s where they put their money, their time and their energy.  There are just too many more important things in life that don’t get enough of these, that people are apathetic about, yet when it comes to sports, they’re totally there.  I don’t like when fans get upset in the stands and take the game so seriously that they get angry and cause riots.  Get over it, and get a real problem!
            And lastly, especially with football, I don’t like all the macho stuff that often goes with it.  I don’t like the ads with the male-adoring girls holding beer bottles, or the silly guffaws of the sports commentators behind the desks. Sports are watched by everyone, and while I appreciate the physical strength and talent behind them, I don’t like it when the testosterone levels get too high!
            Does the bad outweigh the good?  It may not seem like it here, but I still think it does!  So grab some munchies and a good cold drink, get comfortable in your seat in the stadium, arena or at home, have fun with those around you, and cheer on your team.  It’s some of the most exciting entertainment there is.

For life is what you make it.  So make it good!

Tailgating is always a good time!

Outside the Bill Snyder Family Stadium.

A sea of purple covers the student section.

Watch out for the drunk guys in the big purple shirts . . .
(I don't even know these people!)

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